ICON DATA real time 3D metal detector data logger purpose is to create images of targets in 2D & 3D viewing ability
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ICON DATA real time 3D metal detector data logger purpose is to create images of targets in 2D & 3D viewing ability. ICON DATA metal detector data logger can be used with any metal detector that offers “non motion” audio mode. ( A true non motion metal detector does not need movement of the coil to generate audio signal. Also, the audio signal will not fade out, but rather get stronger as it gets closer to the target, and will continue to sound as long as the coil remains over the target.
The ICON DATA metal detector data logger purpose is to create images of targets in 2D and 3D viewing ability. ICON DATA metal detector data logger can be used with any metal detector that operates in “non motion” audio mode. ( A true non motion metal detector does not need movement of the coil to generate audio signal. Also, the audio signal will not fade out, but rather get stronger as it gets closer to the target, and will continue to sound as long as the coil remains over the target. For details about “motion” & “non motion” metal detector audio modes check our youtube video “compatible metal detectors for Icon Data logger” ). Some examples of traditional type non motion metal detectors are all the frame coil Pulse Induction detectors such as Lorenz Deepmax, Deepmax X3, Deepmax X5, Deepmax X6, Deepmax Z1, LPX2, Deeptech Ground Pioneer 4500, Stinger, Pulse star II Pro, Superscan, Delta Pulse and others… JW Fishers Pulse 6x or Pulse 8x, Aquapulse AQ1B, XP Deus, White’s XLT. 2-Box style metal detectors such as Whites TM-808, Gemini III. Also older / newer VCO audio style detectors. Now with ICON DATA logger unit these types of detectors can be updated with real time 3D target imaging.
The ICON DATA metal detector logger is more than just a data logger, it is a real time imaging and on-site target analysis device. All other available metal detector data loggers currently on the market are either too bulky or too expensive or both. Also, they do not display the images in real time on the screen as you are operating your detector in the field. One has to scan the field first, and then connect the data logger to a PC to see the results.
The ICON DATA Logger displays the detected target image immediately while the user operates the metal detector in the field. No complex controls to fumble around with, no stopping to download, and no time wasted.The ICON DATA unit processes hundreds metal detector signals every second, and displays the image using the supplied software on your windows laptop or a tablet PC which can also be ordered preconfigured with the ICON DATA logger software.
The ICON DATA metal detector logger is so sensitive, that it can visualize anomalies like ground voids, tombs, previously dug ground and buried foundations. All these types of voids and structures interfere with the tuning sound of the metal detector and create weak noise signals that are ignored by the detector speaker and the human ear.
The ICON DATA logger amplifies these signals. Then it is the user decision to select if he wishes to see the metal targets only – or the ground anomalies also (ground voids, tombs, previously dug ground and buried foundations).
The user has full control of the scan with many available options. The user can set the grid size of the area (steps & sweep lines), the graphic mode, the coloring, target depth calculation, graph edit, save or export the image in various formats.
After set-up ICON DATA software guides the user with voice commands to start, step and turn, can be paused or start again anytime. It even has a replay mode to replay the actual scan that had just taken place. The data collection mode can be set to automatic for flat ground surface when a constant and steady pace can be kept or set to manual for uneven surfaces and areas with trees, bushes, rocks, etc.
• ICON DATA metal detector logger operation: Real time imaging step by step and data logging
• Selectable sweep direction: Left to right or right to left to be used when using small round coils. Step by step in parallel sweep lines when using frame coils
• Computer controlled data collection – Automatic Mode: Readings are captured automatically at intervals selectable from 1 step per second to 1 step per 100 seconds. – Manual Mode: Manual captures by the user. Real time data graphics for both modes
• Data Points: 10.000 scans per survey, stores unlimited data files on hard disk
• Data point density: Dependent on step-length, distance between measured profiles and detector coil size used (Coil sized from 10cm round to 1m. frame)
• Resolution: 10 Bit/5V
• Input signal: 230 mV / 1 Hz – 4.8 KHz from the detector headphones jack
• Data processing: On site real time imaging, 2D and 3D target view, target depth, interpretation, filtering, modeling, replay, exporting to bmp, jpg, metafile, png and data file formats, printing.
Noleggio e Vendita Metal Detector,
Georadar, Geoscanner, Sistemi di Individuazione Integrati.
Mobile: 392-92.07.751
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Icon Data è estremamente sensibile, infatti è in grado di visualizzare anomalie del suolo, vuoti, tombe, fondazioni sepolte ecc
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Il registratore di dati Icon Data è in grado di creare immagini 2D e 3D delle aree di ricerca.
Collegato ad un qualsiasi detector che operi in modalità NON MOTION, utilizza l’intensità dei segnali audio generati dal detector, traducendoli in tempo reale in grafici, visionabili da PC windows o tablet con installato l’apposito software.
Icon Data è estremamente sensibile, infatti è in grado di visualizzare anomalie del suolo, vuoti, tombe, fondazioni sepolte ecc… Questo genere di situazioni comporterebbero il verificarsi di interferenze che il metal detector cercherebbe automaticamente di ignorare.
Icon Data amplifica e traduce questi segnali.
Inoltre l’operatore ha a disposizione tutta una serie di opzioni come la tipologia di grafico da visualizzare e relativa colorazione, il calcolo della profondità, ecc..
Dotazione Standard
- Centralina di registrazione
- Cavi USB / Detector
- CD Software e Driver
- Manuale in Inglese
Noleggio e Vendita Metal Detector,
Georadar, Geoscanner, Sistemi di Individuazione Integrati.
Mobile: 392-92.07.751
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