VISTA GOLD GAIN – VLF Metal Detector Deeptech
VISTA GOLD GAIN – VLF Metal Detector Deeptech
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Vista GOLD GAIN – VLF Metal Detector DEEPTECH
Un nuovo Metal detector potenziato e studiato per ricerche in profondità!
L’interruttore a levetta S / F è stato sostituito con il potenziometro Gain, questo è cià che ora rende il Vista Gold nella versione Gain insieme alla nuova elettronica interna e all’ audio aggiornato.
Adesso è possibile regolare il guadagno e la sensibilità in modo indipendente, questo ti permette di impostare il rilevatore in modo più specifico al fine di ottenere risultati migliori sul campo in termini di profondità e risposta.
Il Vista Gold Gain ha ora la capacità di cercare oggetti più piccoli di prima, con la sua frequenza di 30 kHz fa davvero la differenza, specialmente per le prestazioni in entrambi i tipi di terreni, sia mineralizzati che non mineralizzati.
Questo rilevatore è rivolto a Metal Detectoristi esperti, che vogliono uno strumento affidabile e capace di sfondare in profondità. Ma è anche rivolto, per la sua facilità ed immediatezza nell’utilizzo
a chi si avvicina a questo hobby per la prima volta.
Si consiglia di aumentare le impostazioni dei rilevatori al massimo per ottenere prestazioni ottimali quando le condizioni del terreno lo consentono.
Specifiche tecniche
• Frequenza operativa……………………………………………………………….. 30kHz
• Tipo di rivelatore ……………………………………………………movimento – motion
• Controllo della sensibilità
• Controllo del volume
• Bilanciamento del terreno manuale
• Tre modalità di funzionamento:
– DISC. Modalità
– Modalità 2 toni (tono basso per oggetti ferrosi e tono alto
– per oggetti non ferrosi)
• Modalità All Metal
• Velocità di recupero ……………………………………. ……………. ….Molto veloce
• Booster – Controllo Booster per dare maggiore potenza ed ottenere maggiore profondità.
- Controllo GAIN
• Tipo di Piastra ……………………………………….. ………………………………..2D
• Dimensioni Searchcoil ……………………………………….. ……………………….11”
• Lunghezza del cavo (circa) ……… …………………………………. ….53 “(135 cm)
• Frequenza audio (circa) ……………………………………. …………………780/390 Hz
• Peso (con batterie) ……………………………. ……………………… …..(ca.) 1400g.
• Consumo energetico (Booster OFF) …………………………………………. ….46 mA
• Consumo energetico (Booster ON) ………………………………………….. ….53 mA
• Requisiti delle batterie: si consiglia vivamente di utilizzare 8 x 1,5 V AA
• Batterie alcaline o batterie ricaricabili con più di 2000 mA / h
• Durata della batteria (tipica) …………………………………….. ………………28 ore
• Avviso di batteria scarica a LED
• Intervallo temperatura di funzionamento …………………………………. …..10-40 C
• Umidità ottimale ……………………………………….. Da 0 a 75% di umidità relativa
Noleggio e Vendita Metal Detector,
Georadar, Geoscanner, Sistemi di Individuazione Integrati.
Mobile: 392-92.07.751
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VISTA GOLD GAIN – VLF Metal Detector Deeptech
VISTA GOLD GAIN – VLF Metal Detector Deeptech
The Metel Detector VISTA GOLD GAIN was upgraded to be more versatile and deeper than ever before, the Vista Gold Gain will give you more control and more depth over the standard Vista Gold that was already an amazing detector.
You still have most the great features that the original Vista Gold has apart from one, that is the recovery speed option that now has been removed, we pulled this feature due to even in slow recovery speed mode the Vista Gold was still a very fast machine.
Instead you’ll now see that we have replaced the S/F toggle switch with a Gain dial, this is now what makes the Vista Gold into the Gain version along with some new internal electronics and upgraded audio. You now have the option to adjust the Gain and Sensitivity independently, this allows you to set the detector up more precisely in order to achieve better results in the field. The Vista Gold Gain has the ability now to search for smaller items than before, running at 30 kHz really makes a difference especially to the performance in both mineralised and non mineralised ground.
This detector is aimed more towards the experienced Detectorist but newcomers to the hobby can still get great results even by running tame settings, it’s only when you progress in the hobby we recommend you raise the detectors settings to upmost maximum in order to achieve optimal performance when the ground conditions and EMI allows.
Technical Specifications
• Operating Frequency……………………………………………………………………………30kHz
• Detector type……………………………………………………………………………………….motion
• Sensitivity control
• Volume control
• Manual Ground Balance
• Three Modes of operation:
– DISC. Mode
– 2 Tone Mode (low tone for ferrous objects and high tone
– for non-ferrous objects)
• All Metal Mode
• Recovery speed…………………………………….…………….……………………Very fast
• Booster
Gain Control
• Searchcoil Type ……………………………………………………………………………………………2D
• Searchcoil Size………………………………………………………………………………………………11”
• Cable Length (approx.)………………………………………………………………53” (135 cm)
• Audio Frequency (approx.)………………………………………………………….780/390 Hz
• Weight (with batteries)…………………………………………………………..(approx.)1400g.
• Power Consumption (Booster OFF)…………………………………………………….46 mA
• Power Consumption (Booster ON)……………………………………………………..53 mA
• Batteries Requirements – we strongly recommend to use 8 x 1,5 V AA
• Alkaline Batteries or rechargeable Batteries with more than 2000mA/h
• Battery Life (typical)…………………………………………………………………………. 28 hours
• LED Low Battery alert
• Operation Temperature Range…………………………………………………………10-40 C
• Optimum Humidity…………………………………………………………………. 0 to 75% R.H.
Disponibile su ordinazione
The Metel Detector VISTA GOLD GAIN was upgraded to be more versatile and deeper than ever before, the Vista Gold Gain will give you more control and more depth over the standard Vista Gold that was already an amazing detector.
You still have most the great features that the original Vista Gold has apart from one, that is the recovery speed option that now has been removed, we pulled this feature due to even in slow recovery speed mode the Vista Gold was still a very fast machine.
Instead you’ll now see that we have replaced the S/F toggle switch with a Gain dial, this is now what makes the Vista Gold into the Gain version along with some new internal electronics and upgraded audio. You now have the option to adjust the Gain and Sensitivity independently, this allows you to set the detector up more precisely in order to achieve better results in the field. The Vista Gold Gain has the ability now to search for smaller items than before, running at 30 kHz really makes a difference especially to the performance in both mineralised and non mineralised ground.
This detector is aimed more towards the experienced Detectorist but newcomers to the hobby can still get great results even by running tame settings, it’s only when you progress in the hobby we recommend you raise the detectors settings to upmost maximum in order to achieve optimal performance when the ground conditions and EMI allows.
Technical Specifications
• Operating Frequency……………………………………………………………………………30kHz
• Detector type……………………………………………………………………………………….motion
• Sensitivity control
• Volume control
• Manual Ground Balance
• Three Modes of operation:
– DISC. Mode
– 2 Tone Mode (low tone for ferrous objects and high tone
– for non-ferrous objects)
• All Metal Mode
• Recovery speed…………………………………….…………….……………………Very fast
• Booster
Gain Control
• Searchcoil Type ……………………………………………………………………………………………2D
• Searchcoil Size………………………………………………………………………………………………11”
• Cable Length (approx.)………………………………………………………………53” (135 cm)
• Audio Frequency (approx.)………………………………………………………….780/390 Hz
• Weight (with batteries)…………………………………………………………..(approx.)1400g.
• Power Consumption (Booster OFF)…………………………………………………….46 mA
• Power Consumption (Booster ON)……………………………………………………..53 mA
• Batteries Requirements – we strongly recommend to use 8 x 1,5 V AA
• Alkaline Batteries or rechargeable Batteries with more than 2000mA/h
• Battery Life (typical)…………………………………………………………………………. 28 hours
• LED Low Battery alert
• Operation Temperature Range…………………………………………………………10-40 C
• Optimum Humidity…………………………………………………………………. 0 to 75% R.H.
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VISTA GOLD GAIN – VLF Metal Detector Deeptech