DEUS LITE – TELECOMANDO piastra 11″ X35- Metal Detector WIRELESS XPlorer
Deus con TELECOMANDO e piastra 28 cm (11Pollici) Metal Detector WIRELESS XPlorer XP
DEUS LITE – TELECOMANDO piastra 11″ X35- Metal Detector WIRELESS XPlorer
The first wireless detector and the first fully telescopic S-shaped stem.
This version of the DEUS includes:
11″ Coil
Remote Control
Mains Charger
Coil Cover
Remote Control unit
Audio Headphones
Each communicates with one another other via a real time digital radio link.
Control everything from the remote control LCD display
Save even more weight and control your Deus via the headset.
The headphones can control the detector alone, enabling you to go detecting with an even more portable configuration (just 875g). Once programed via the remote control, the headphone controls enable you to access and adjust all the main detection settings: Programs, Sensitivity, Discrimination, Ground Balance, Frequency (4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 18 kHz), Multi-Tones, etc.
Fold away your stem in just 5 seconds!
The new patented “S TELESCOPIC “stem can be stored away instantly.
Main features :
4 frequencies (4kHz ; 8kHz ; 12kHz ; 18kHz) + shift plus/minus
Power and Recovery adjustable (2 or 3 times faster/slower than the Gold Maxx Power)
Audio Response, Iron level, Multi tone, Notch, Discrimination etc…
Many advanced functions (Expert)
Ground balance: Tracking, Pumping, Manual, Beach
Motion and 4 non-motion modes
Extended discrimination range, with even greater precision for iron
Pre-configured factory programmes (9 Switch on and go programs) and memory of personal programmes
Specifications :
Wireless digital link, multichannel automatic (36 channels)
Ultra light detector: 987g Full – 887g without wireless control box (hip-mountable).
Remote Control pocket sized (hip mount case provided), held by clip support, graphic display with low power consumption backlight and intuitive screen.
Carbon fibre impregnated DD coil, both light and waterproof including coil cover
Wireless Backphone, rain proof, light and foldable (Backphone removable), with its own operation controls and screen, with transport case
USB standard protocol to recharge and download new software/update (via XP website)
Lithium battery, very compact (9g).
Battery life Coil: max 20h (depending on power and frequency)
Battery life Remote Control and Backphone: 27 hours
Fast and intelligent charger, Charge simultaneously the 3 elements (Remote control, Coil & Backphones in 2 hours)
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DEUS LITE – TELECOMANDO piastra 11″ X35- Metal Detector WIRELESS XPlorer